My name is विष्णु M and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you. To start off, I am in no way one of the 'Forex gurus' or God-gifted prodigies. Yet I manage to live an enjoyable life, drive a splendid brand new Porsche Cayenne, and do whatever I please and whenever I please. Since we aren't at a tax office, I won't stuff you with detailed reports on my income, but let you have a look at it yourself. It is always better to see it for yourself once than hear about it for a hundred times
What's Make it Work?
1. Simplicity
I created my software for regular folks, not for a limited circle of highly skilled computer specialists. Any teenager would easily figure how to use it, not to mention adults - so simple it is. My software doesn`t tell you what to do or how to do it - it ACTUALLY DOES IT for you, while you just sit back and watch it working. The goal is not to instruct you on how to gain profits on Forex, but to DELIVER these profits to you.
Consistency Trading Report - Not a Matter of Luck,
but a Source of Stable Income
2. Algorithms
Forex is an extremely complex market, consisting of many more factors than you would ever imagine. The software analyses these factors simultaneously (something a human can never do) and instantly determines the correct pattern. It then places the orders for you and closes them once the pattern exhausts, leaving you with pure profits and tons of pleasure from its impeccable instant performance. No words can describe it better than the results that speak for themselves
3. Results
I am living my dream life. I have the money working for me instead of me working for money. You`ve got a glimpse at each and every aspect of the software and at the way it operates. I`ve shown you the REAL screenshots of it in action, bringing me thousands of dollars within the matter of days (unlike the vendors of all kinds of junk out there, who generously promise heavens and deliver hell). What more of a proof can there be??
I Want it Take Me Download Now
Still got questions? Those remaining are answered below, so that you don`t send me countless identical e-mails. Not something I would enjoy, frankly speaking. Do get a hold of me if you have to, but not with the same stuff over and over again.
Q: Peter, what makes you sell this cash cow, with a full refund guarantee?
A: It`s obvious - to become even richer. The more capital I have, the more profits I can get from my Forex trades. It won`t hurt me if others also rake piles of money using my software on Forex - after all, there`s enough of cash for everyone there, with those trillions of dollars circulating on it. Those thousands, or even hundreds of thousands that you will get from your trades won`t make any difference to the market - to Forex, it`s a small drop of water in the ocean. And it certainly won`t harm me once you get wealthy - I`ll only be happy for you.
Q: Why should I buy your software, Peter? You dont seem to be a guru like the vendors of other Forex programs, do you?
A: ROFL... A guru?? I`m no guru nor a magician, and wasn`t enlighted by any supernatural forces to make my software - it was many months of hard "trial and error" work instead. I am not begging you here to buy anything from me - if you don`t feel comfortable doing it, for heaven`s sake, please don`t. By no means would I force someone into getting wealthy: if you prefer to stick to your 9-to-5 job, then you really should.
Q: I`m from the USA. Can I still use your software legally?
A: What`s wrong with the USA? Forex is not conventional gambling, but the world`s largest financial market. As a matter of fact, Americans form the largest fraction of its traders, as it has historically been so. It doesn`t matter what country you live in - all you need is a computer connected to the Internet. As simple as that.
Q: How old is your software, Peter?
A: Have you seen it elsewhere on the web? If so, let me know, and my lawyers will be after them. This is THE VERY ORIGINAL offer I am making. I am never reselling someone else`s stuff - only the products I made myself, as this is the only way I can be 100% confident about their quality.
Q: How much am I going to make with your software, Peter?
A: Let me make something very clear to you: this product is not a gamble. Once you are with it on Forex, you are no longer at risk of losing out - as now you know for sure what EXACTLY your are doing (making money, that is, and not playing with it). Your profits will directly depend on your trading capital - which can range from as little as $100 to as much as $100,000 or more. Even your hundred bucks will effortlessly convert into several thousand once you let the software trade the market for you for a month or so.
Q: Peter... what about BONUSES?
A: Are you here for a money-making product or for useless bonuses? I could have sure loaded my product with quite a few trashy ebooks titled something like "How To Kill Forex Within Seconds" or "Making Your First Million On Forex", but I feel a disgust for them. I am not selling useless theories here - my software simply doesn`t need them. Buy it, try it, and get your money back if you don`t like it (which I know is not to happen - hence, my unconditional full refund guarantee to you).
Q: But Peter...
A: The download link is down there. You can start using the software right away and if you still have questions, feel free to get a hold of me by e-mail then. I am absolutely positive about the quality of my product - to the extent I`m willing to give you a full refund within 60 days at any point of time upon your simple request. What do you have to lose?
A friend of mine introduced me to your site, calling your software "the new cult product on the web". That was after I asked him where he had got the money for a new car, which I knew he couldn`t afford with his salary. Now I see that a brand new car is by far not the most you can dream of while using your Forex software. I myself have moved into a new apartment just this month, which I couldn`t even imagine happening when I had my old job. While before I used to work in a grocery store for a minimal wage, I am now my own boss and can have pretty much everything I want - needless to say that my Internet revenues are growing even further day to day. Thank you, Peter!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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